Music List

duminică, 29 septembrie 2013

Just some Itachi Pranks.. :|

1. Tell him he's a big push over.
2. When he's sleeping take all of his clothes
3. Ask him if he's gone through puberty yet.
4. Ask him if he has a crush on someone
5. Ask him why he has a poney tail
6. Spread rumors that he failed English class
7. Take him to a public drug store.
8. Call him "Freaky D" when he's in public
9. Give invites to people saying there's a wild house par-tay at Itachi's house tonight.
10. Call Sasuke in and make the two of them play bingo
11. Take Itachi to a nursing home
12. Set him up on a blind date with Pein
13. Eat his special cookie
14. Tell them there's something out the window and when he steps to see what is out the window push him out the window.
15. Prank phone call his house
16. Punk Him (is's when you play a trick on a person)
18. Constantly tell him he's really attractive.
19. When he uses the Mangekyo Sharingan on you say "PAPER BAG ACTION!" and put a paper bag on your head.
20. Tell him Sasuke is still small and cute
21. Ask him if he has "Natural Itachi Beauty"
22. Trow a cinder block at him
23. Ask him to give you how to act like Itachi lessons
24. Hug him.
25. Randomly say words out of the dictionary.
26. Mistakenly call him Ethan
27. Ask him he if wants to hear some bathroom jokes
28. Call up someone to give him a pedicure
29. Ask him where babies come from
30. Make up a game called "Itachi's Play House" and make itachi play it with you
31. Make a cute puppet of Itachi and shove it in his face
32. Ask him if he likes nuts
33. Take him trick-or-treating
34. Ask him if he always wears the black cloak thing even to bed
35. Make him play barbies with you
36. Spread rumors that he sucks eggs...
37. Tell Kisame to give him a hug for this birthday
38. Leave the water running in the bathroom
39. Lock Itachi in the bathroom
40. Ask him if he has contacts
41. Ask him if he can fly
42. Get a trained pigeon and make it fly over itachi's head and make it deposit "pigeon waste" on Itachi's head.
43. Ask Itachi what's the difference between a boy and a girl
44. Say Pudding everytime he says a something.
45. Ask him if he thinks he's cool
46. Toilet paper his room and house
47. Ask him to help with your homework
48. Ask him if he was ever has a girlfriend
49. Ask him what color his underwear is
50. Make him work at McDonalds for a week.
51. Tell Deidara to pop out of a box on Itachi's birthday every hour.
52. Push him in a pool.
53. Give him a cellphone and call him every 5 minutes.
54. Set his alarm clock to 2:30 A.M.
55. Take him to Babies R Us
56. Turn his room into a "Chill Zone" xD

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